My grandma has had to overcome big obstacles in her life,but has always been able to reborn from the ashes as well. As a child, she had to go through poverty in Piura, but never lost hope or given up, even after being exploited while working as a maid in Lima with only 11 years old. Years later, she would suffer a car accident that left her with a serious nervous sequel, writing clearly for her was never the same ever since. As far as i’m concerned, she proved to life and everyone that considered her as weak, that she will not be defeated ever again.
Ohhhhh . the story about your mom is so sad for me and unfair for her. You have to feel proud by her because she was brave despite the obstacles she had during the life. 🙂
you both are really sweet! thank you, i am really proud her. My grandma and my mom are everything to me!
Therefore, all tests are not equal and don’t mean the same
“Oh no! ” is what people say when they ‘re tested positive on developing a desease. I’m currently studying English and one day in class we learnt about genetic test, a non conventional technique of using your genes to know if you’re likely to develop a desease. Eventhough there were advantages, i was able to note even more disadvantages in real life.
We have to take in count the psychological effects on people, that is to say mostly negative. I’ve read about a man that misunderstood a genetic test, which said he had 83% chance of developing colon cancer. That affected him so much that he ended up losing his job. After a time a doctor said to him that those results were only probabilities and with a lifestyle change he could avoid having the disease.
Also, the not full understanding of genes, makes genetic tests not reliable! On the internet these test are offered without a physician’s signature or medical guide. Also, we all know our body system is not the same.
Truth is, genetic testing a revolutionary alternative in Medicine,but if Goverment truly care for us, they would have to get a consensus in terms of who is authorized on doing these tests.
Great job!! .. Even tough I have a different opinion about it, I think you have an interesting point of view..
Hello, guys this is my second writingA Biographical paragraphMy neighbor is a successful and persistent person because he has overcome many obstacles in life and achieved his goals. Unfortunately,When he was Young ,he had an accident and lost one lost one leg. Then ,his wife abandonned him. Even so, he wanted to be a lawyer and worked hard.First, he was persistent and graduated from San marcos University, then studied in California to complete his Master’s Degree. Additionally,he got ily. In short I admire him because he was never defeated even though his life was filled with obstacles and deceptions.
After being forced to marry someone she didn’t love at 17 years old, she realized she could find freedom and paradise far away from her cruel godmother
Hii this is my essay .Enjoy it :DI’m a university student. I really interested in be tested. Because I believe that Genetic testing could save your life . Genetic testing is the analysis of DNA, RNA, chromosomes, or proteins to detect abnormalities related to an inherited disorder . Think for a moment. You could avoid and prevent your death .It is truth or it is just a joke?.If many people hadn’t been tested , they wouldn’t have prevented their possibles deseases and change their habits or consider treatments . Instead of that , there are advantages and disadvantages that we need to analize .Patients can avoid serious deseases and choose appropiate treatments. There are many advantages to be tested One of them is that a patient can prevent a desease. For example, a young woman called Sonja decided to be tested and the result showed that she had 50 % to develop cancer . As a result, she took all the preventive measures to avoid getting cancer.Thus, If Sonja hadn’t been tested , she would have gotten cancer. Another advantage is that patients can find the best treatment and improve the quality of life. If patients hadn’t be tested, they wouldn’t choose the best treatments . On the other hand, patients may feel anxious about the results. The emotional and physical impact can affect the family and the patient. Frist of all , patients are not always physicological prepared to wait and know the truth. Take the case of a Philipine women who got deppression after knew her possitve results. Another is that emotional impact before and after the test. A study showed that 90% patients got anxious during the process. If they had looked counseling they could not got depression.In conclusion Genetic testing will continue revolutionizing the medicine. Also If you decided to be tested remenber that Testing requires informed consent, careful discussion of test interpretation and , do not forget that It’s always better to prevent desease than to treat it. These factors can make the change and play an important role in your life.